Why You Should Embrace What You Don’t Love

I know what you are thinking, as I wrote the title to this post I was thinking the same thing. Why should you embrace what you don’t love? What the hell is she talking about? Shouldn’t we steer clear of the things we don’t love? She has told us to let go of what doesn’t serve us. All true. So what’s this all about? Well, as you know, there are certain things that you don’t love that need to be embraced ( I am sure you can think of a few right now). Embracing the things you don’t love helps you to move forward, get to the next phase. Unfortunately, resistance doesn’t help anyone. The more you hate/dislike something, it seems the more it haunts you in some way.


Why You Should Embrace People You Don’t Love 

I can think of a number of things or even people (truth) that I just didn’t like. Some of those reasons in my mind might be valid. You are never going to love/like everything and everyone. You are not going to love how everyone lives their life or generally how they go about life. Does this mean you shouldn’t embrace them? Does this mean that anything you are slightly repelled by should be something you turn your back on? I don’t think so. In fact, there will be many times in your life when you will have to work with people you don’t love. Individuals at a personal level, you don’t see eye to eye with, but when it comes to the work they do, it’s the perfect synergy.

Everybody is taught that you must be likeable and that people will only work with you if they like you. Although this is very true, it also leaves us at a disadvantage in terms of growth. What if the person you just love is giving you a mediocre effort? You need to work with people who will push you to be your best. People who, although you don’t like personally, offer added value to you in terms of growth. There are many talented people that I have met along the way that I decided not to work with because for whatever reason I didn’t like them. Individuals whose talent and skill-set would have improved my talents and skills in many ways. Sometimes, you have to think more about the work you can create together; the bigger picture. You have to focus more on what can be done, the possibilities of working with someone you can learn a great deal from.

As you know, those who have been following along, I am an artist. Creating music with other people isn’t always roses and champagne. As much as you would like it to be, it’s not. There are many times when I literally said to myself check your ego, leave it at home…this is not the time or place to let yourself get in the way of something good. You need to check your ego. The master of edging the good out of your life. Or in Wayne Dryer’s words “edging God out”. I don’t care if you are religious or not, you need to understand that the universe is working for you and not against you. Be aware of the actions and decisions you are making that are kicking all the good stuff that comes your way out of your life. Good things don’t always show up packaged the way we want them to be.

There will be people who you encounter, who you may need to work with. Individuals who will not fit your idea of the perfect person you always hoped would build your dreams with you. Someone who at some point in your life who will play a pivotal role in your journey. I am not telling you to ignore that gut feeling, that tells you when something is bad. If it doesn’t feel right deep within, always follow your instincts. Trust your instincts. If it’s more about your ego, then you better check yourself. Just for clarity, I don’t think people can make you (you do that), but they certainly can help you if you let them.


Why You Should Embrace Moments You Don’t Love

Whether it’s heartbreak or losing your job or ending a friendship; there’s always something. Life just likes to throw us those unexpected curveball moments. Moments that seem like they will last a lifetime. Let me tell you something, you know when people say the only guaranteed things in life are death and taxes? They forget to include that life is unpredictable. The guaranteed unpredictability of life will leave you feeling joyous and sad all at once. So what do you do when you encounter or you are currently living a moment you don’t love? You embrace it for all that it is. You accept the discomfort, the pain, the hurt, and anger. You take it exactly for what it is so it doesn’t take over your life. Then you figure out a way to get through this moment, to get to the other side of this horrible time.

As you know, pretending it’s not happening doesn’t help. Getting angry makes it worse. Take a moment, stop, take a deep breath, feel those feelings you hate so much. Recognize what this time in your life is teaching you. Fight this moment with acceptance. Why? Because acceptance leads to clarity. Embrace it and then give it permission to leave. The longer we hold thoughts of dislike or hate for what we don’t love the longer it lasts.


Why You Should Embrace The Things You May Need For A Moment In Time

I often think about my university days. The amount of work and time I dedicated in order to get my degree. Each course had it’s own requirements that need to be fulfilled. I hated attending tutorials particularly the ones that were part of your final grade. Looking back I think yes, there was a lesson in this. You need to show up when you commit to something. You can’t just pick and choose the parts you like about it and show up for those and ignore what you don’t like. We all know life doesn’t work this way. Sometimes, you will have to sit through that 8 am an hour-long tutorial before class. You may have to commute an hour to work or school each day or spend a few extra hours, days or week working on something. Remember, these are just moments. Perhaps not favoured moments but that doesn’t mean you can’t embrace them. You can still approach them with the same optimism and enthusiasm you do with the things you like and enjoy. You can look at them as something you need rather than want.

We need to stop letting our egos lead the way. We need to recognize that some moments and people are there because we need to learn something. If 80% of the things in your life you love and maybe that temporary 20% you don’t love is needed in your life for a moment in time. Then why not embrace it? Embrace it so it can become a positive transition towards growth. Further, a magnification of what your desire in your life.


Hanifa Anne Sekandi

Founder & Editor-in-Chief. Mindfulness Advocate and Facilitator. Member of the Mindful Society Global Institute. I have an Honours Bachelor of Arts in Sociology (Social Behaviour, Media, and Culture); Psychology of Buddhism, Mental Health and Illness Minor - (Eastern Practices for Depression, Anxiety, and Addiction and Religion (Society, Religion, and Politics). I help brands achieve their growth potential through an intuitive business development approach. Follow Me on Instagram @thethingsiwishiknew On Facebook @thethingsiwishiknew