Why Understanding Your Zodiac Sign Can Improve Your Life

Whether you believe in zodiac signs or not and you think that reading horoscopes or tarot is pointless. You might be surprised at how insightful your astrology chart is and why understanding your zodiac sign can improve your life. Sounds a little crazy but there is a reason why so many people are opening their mind and heart to the world of astrology.

It’s Human Nature

Have you ever wondered why you are the way you are? Why you are compatible with some people and not others? How much time have you spent studying yourself? What makes you, you? I have said many times and if you have been visiting this site you will know that I believe we are spiritual beings living a human experience. We are the essence of the cosmos. Although we are here this is where we truly exist. Our journey here on earth is not haphazard, we are here to grow, expand, we are the universe, a constellation of stars. Understanding your astrology chart is equivalent to understanding the stars.

You may find that you relate to a few of the characteristics highlighted below. You are more than your sun sign which manifests at the soul level. To get a full view you need to take a look at your astrology chart.

One Quality of Each Zodiac Sign


Pisces: Individuals born under this sun sign are known to be sensitive. Now, you can see this as a positive thing or a negative thing. Being a sensitive person can be used as a way to empower yourself. Sensitivity can be utilized when creating new things, understanding the behaviours of other people and reading the energy in a room. Learn to channel your sensitivity to elevate you rather than make you hideaway or swim away. Don’t let hurt feelings cloud your judgement. This is your strength, you can feel things stronger than all of the zodiac signs. Let your sensitivity intuitively guide you. If you allow it to consume you in a negative way you will self-destruct. You are the intuitive all-knowing sign.

Cancer: You love to tell it like it is. I know. Unfortunately, you tend to hold it all in and say it in the wrong way at the wrong time. Your honesty is appreciated but your delivery isn’t. People, when they think of this sign, will agree that you say mean things! One of the characteristics of your sign is pessimism. Learn how to use your voice. It’s one of your gifts, your ability to communicate with all the zodiac signs, people fall easily in love with you until you open your mouth. Not everything is black and white and you don’t know everything. Through the practice of mindfulness, you will be able to express your feelings the way you intended. You’re a sign that sees what others don’t see in themselves, you see the good stuff; their talents. You also see what’s holding them back or getting in their way. That internal dialogue you have in your head is sabotaging you. Not only is your pessimism bad for you it drives people away. Learn to find a fine balance between optimism and pessimism, you will find life is a lot sweeter.

Scorpio: It’s great that you’re determined and stubborn in business. This is the reason why you can to turn something into nothing. Another reason why no one should underrate you. Unfortunately when it comes to matters of the heart your fixation with wanting what you want and doing what you want leads you to decisions that you regret or hurt you in the long run. Chill out Scorpio love isn’t a battlefield and you don’t have to prove yourself right or others wrong when you very well know it isn’t a good idea. Learn to trust the advice of those close to you if they see you are going in a bad direction. Being determined is good, it’s important to know what areas in your life this strong energy needs to be full charge and when you can fall back and take it in before you make any decisions.


Aries: You’re short-tempered and moody. A lot of people think you’re an opinionated asshole. You know that this drives people away. The problem isn’t your passion it’s the direction. Learn to channel all of this energy into your goals and not others. Stop focusing on what other people are doing or how God has blessed them. You are your own worst enemy. Find a way to balance your moods through doing activities you love. Less chatter and more doing. Apply that honesty, that you seem to think you know, but clearly, really don’t know to yourself. Perhaps a few good therapy sessions are in order for you?

Sagittarius: You’re unreliable. People would love to put all their faith in you but unfortunately, they can’t. Learn to commit to the things you want to do. Sag’s that understand this live a very happy stress-free life. Stop talking that talk if you can’t follow through. The stress that you feel constantly plagued by is something you created. It’s okay, not everyone is going to like you. It’s better for you to be reliable and give your best to a few people rather than disappoint a lot of people, more importantly, yourself. This will help alleviate that anxiety you constantly feel.

Leo: Oh, the lies, so many lies Leo how can you keep up? You’re desire to be centre of attention sometimes leads you to lie. You don’t have to pretend for people to love you, this is what you constantly seek. What happened to loving yourself? Most people would assume that Leo’s are self-obsessed but they are actually quite insecure. This is why they seek approval from others or like to wear the best of the best. Your lack of authenticity is the reason why you are loved then quickly disliked. You need to figure out who you are and let this shine through.


Gemini: Do you even understand yourself? You’re flakey and everyone knows it nor do they understand it. The biggest issue is your lack of self-awareness. You are the worst communicator of all the zodiac signs but like a true Gem, you think it’s everyone else and not you. IT’S 100% YOU! You sure do like to argue, even when you’re in the wrong. I don’t blame you though, you’re good at it! I am sure you find there always seems to be some form of confusion and drama around you. Did you create this drama? It’s because people have a hard time taking you seriously once the party and fun stuff is over. You also have a hard time seeing other points of view. It’s your world and everyone is living in it…guess what it’s not! Learn how to communicate so other people can understand. Open your mind so you can see things differently. It’s not always a fight or about winning. Mean what you say and follow through with actions. Also, if you are confused, ask for clarification.

Aquarius: You come off as a little shady. People under this sun sign are known to come off as aloof. It’s probably not your intention but you do! Your suspicions of other people is making you come off as suspicious. People don’t know whether you are coming or going. If you like something/someone or want to be somewhere act like it. Learn how to participate in life with complete involvement; take the plunge. Stop being so judgmental, you’re not perfect.

Libra: You are indeed the life of the party! But, you make Sagittarius look like a saint when it comes to holding onto grudges. You hold onto the past like it’s a part-time job. Learn to get over it! You know this because you can’t stand being around people who are negative and complain yet you don’t see how you’ve allowed past experiences or people to dictate your present moment. Let it go.


Virgo: That attention to detail and critical eye is great when it comes to your work or creative projects. Truth be told, it isn’t helping you in the romantic sphere. No one wants to spend the rest of their lives walking on eggshells. Yes, I know, you criticize others just as much as you criticize yourself. But guess what? You can’t mould people. Go to a pottery class! Use a helpful approach instead of a critical approach. FYI you don’t know everything, a tough pill for you to swallow.

Taurus: Jealous and possessive are the first thing that comes to mind when I think about a Taurus. You’re possessiveness and jealousy has lead you down some dark and scary roads. It’s also impacted what could have been great relationships. People don’t belong to you, they are not your property. Let go and let life happen. You are at your best when you are carefree or doing something creative. When you are in this state of high vibration you won’t feel so insecure or need so much control. When you catch yourself reverting to self-destructive behaviours that nourish jealousy and possessiveness, shift your focus onto an activity you love to do. Don’t react, think before you do anything absurd.

Capricorn: You like to make money, therefore, you never apply sentiment when fattening your bank account is involved. This is great! But you are cold to the bone. Yes, you love your family and are good to the people you feel like being good to. You do know that sentiment must be utilized when dealing with people? When it’s not business and it’s personal you need to practice a little more tact. The cut them off at their knees approach is why you feel eternal loneliness in that giant empire you have built. If you want genuine relationships you need to become what you seek.

Hanifa Anne Sekandi

Founder & Editor-in-Chief. Mindfulness Advocate and Facilitator. Member of the Mindful Society Global Institute. I have an Honours Bachelor of Arts in Sociology (Social Behaviour, Media, and Culture); Psychology of Buddhism, Mental Health and Illness Minor - (Eastern Practices for Depression, Anxiety, and Addiction and Religion (Society, Religion, and Politics). I help brands achieve their growth potential through an intuitive business development approach. Follow Me on Instagram @thethingsiwishiknew On Facebook @thethingsiwishiknew

October 30, 2019