What Will Be

If there’s one resolution you should write down on your list this year…I hope it’s – let it go. What will be…indeed will come to fruition if it’s meant to. Go with the flow. What isn’t or what you have been holding onto for way too long let it go. If there is one thing I wish I knew, it’s that when we hold on too tightly to things or people we prevent the flow of life. We prevent good things from entering and allow the bad things from leaving, as they should. Old habits are hard to break. Holding on when it’s not good for you is a habit. A habit that’s become comfortable yet harmful for you. We all know this but as you know we all retreat to what’s comfortable and what’s certain. What’s certain is that your life, beyond unforeseen circumstance, is a story you write. Every great author understands in order to write a good book they must be willing to rewrite the story until it’s written as it should be. No word is greater than the one before and any page can be torn out if it must. You are the author of your great life’s story. Let go and turn the page. Today you can start again.

Your Past Is Not Your Future

Our past doesn’t belong in our present moment or future. Your past or the people who choose not to love you, make you are a priority don’t deserve to be in the here and now with you or the moments to come. Every goal you will ever make requires you to let go and go with the flow of life. Keep on moving forward to what awaits you. I know you have a list of resolutions this year. It’s time for you to live your best life. I want to know why at this point you haven’t realized that every decision we make is interconnected? Meaning poor lifestyle choices, unhealthy habits and relationships are shaping your present moment outcomes. Something as simple as the company you keep can determine whether or not your soar or continue to stay where you are year after year.

Think back to a moment in time in your life, where you lived without limits or fear. The fearless person is still there. The bumpy roads you have encountered in the last few years have made you think that it’s better to be safe. So you have held on to anything, that in your mind, will keep you safe. Not safe from the dangers of the world. More so, safe from disappointment and heartbreak. When you really think about it, playing it safe is far more disappointing and heartbreaking than what you have experienced. Why? Because you aren’t living. You know this is true. It’s the reason why you can’t sleep at night plagued with all the what if’s spinning around in your restless mind. It’s the reason why you don’t quite feel like the person you know you can be. A soul inhabiting a body, yearning for a deeper purpose.

I am sure you can think of what you held onto last year or for years. Old beliefs…friendships…lovers…jobs…habits that have never served you in a positive way. What’s stopping you from letting go?… What’s stopping you from living your best life? If you are reading this, I think something must have led you here, where you are meant to be. It’s time for you to ask important questions. I know you know the answers. It’s your life and you are the only person who will ever live it! Do you know what it is to be truly loved and respected?  All the ways you have prevented yourself from stepping into the glory of living your dreams and purpose? I know, and you know. That’s why you are here. Trying to figure it out. Just know that you are stronger and wise enough know to be better; you need to have full unwavering faith in yourself.

Have No Fear

I want you to let go. I know it’s hard. It’s scary. At some point, if you truly want to change the way your life is now. You will have to take a leap of faith. Have no fear. Today, it’s a blank page and so is tomorrow and the day after. Start again or try again. Whatever you do, don’t quit and don’t let fear distract you. Fear is a false yield sign there to test you. How bad do you want it? A lot right?! Then why are you doing nothing about it? The obvious answer is that it’s easy to do nothing. It also easy to come up with a million excuses. Guess what no one cares! People only care as much as you do so if you don’t care then they don’t. So when you are coming up with all the reasons why you aren’t doing what you need to be doing just know the only person you need to convince is yourself.

What Will Be Might Break Your Heart

Letting go is a breakup with the old self you keep holding on to..your comfort zone…your safety net. It’s a continuous breakup with self that will happen many times in your life. Why? Because you are a continuous flow of energy. As the days change, you change whether you like it or not. Trust me, you don’t want to stay the same. Why are you so resistant to change? I know what you are thinking…you don’t want to change the good things or let go of them. The good things, the best parts of you will be with you for the rest of your life. Think of your life like layers of a cake. Each layer is just as good but different. This is what life is supposed to be like. The first layer is the foundation to what will be. Some layers will be fluffier or sweeter but the entire cake, the first bite is everything that’s good when it all comes together.

Luckily for you, you can build the tallest cake. If it falls over or if there are cracks you can bake another layer. Think of each layer as a life lesson bitter to endure yet sweet to overcome. Then you move on to another layer, perhaps another flavour to represent where you are in life at that moment. The beauty of baking, just like life, is that you can start again and add different ingredients. You have all the tools in your kitchen, this would be life lessons and experiences, so get to work. With everything that you know now, you can make your life, this giant cake, better, stronger and sweeter.

Hanifa Anne Sekandi

Founder & Editor-in-Chief. Mindfulness Advocate and Facilitator. Member of the Mindful Society Global Institute. I have an Honours Bachelor of Arts in Sociology (Social Behaviour, Media, and Culture); Psychology of Buddhism, Mental Health and Illness Minor - (Eastern Practices for Depression, Anxiety, and Addiction and Religion (Society, Religion, and Politics). I help brands achieve their growth potential through an intuitive business development approach. Follow Me on Instagram @thethingsiwishiknew On Facebook @thethingsiwishiknew