What Is Intuitive Rebellion?

There is a war going on inside of you right now. It’s keeping you restless and anxious. You’re not quite sure what it is, but you know something is amiss. You feel off balance, you’re having a hard time finding a steady pace. You are at odds with your intuition, the guiding light within. What is an intuitive rebellion? It’s the struggle within that you and many others are battling through right now. Lost, helpless and wandering in what seems like no end in sight.

When you were little your parents used to say “no” to you. Your little mind full of wonder and exploration processed this as a bad thing. Up until now, all you had to do is cry and you got what you wanted. As you grew older you realized not even the loudest cry of disapproval would outweigh the parental no. Whether you realize this or not, you’ve internalized your first experience with boundaries and not having your own way as an affront to self and self-exploration. You, in turn, have carried with this with you throughout life even when your internal intuition, your inner guide has placed a giant stop sign saying NO right in front of you.

You’re an adult now, free to make your own choices, live your life the way you want to live it. Now that you have free agency there is nothing other than yourself standing in your way. The only person you will ever truly be at odds with is yourself and your inner guiding light. Unfortunately, the word no or stop carries negative energy, an imprint from your childhood. So you rebel. You go against everything you intuitively feel to prove a point. You struggle, you fight. Thus learning hard avoidable lessons.

You’re at opposition with your intuition, you are struggling against a childhood memory of no. Although this is occurring internally, what happened to you once before results in confusion when it comes to making intuitive decisions. If you think about it, as a spiritual being living a human experience you are conditioned to live within the boundaries of society. What’s right and what’s wrong is drilled into your mind. You understand there are consequences to certain indiscretions that one commits. You live your life as a law-abiding citizen. You strive to live within most “societal norms”.

It’s hard to make distinctions between the two. It’s hard to be a spiritual being on a purposeful journey. It’s difficult to find balance while at the same time living what one would call a human experience full of social boundaries. What if I told you that your spiritual journey transcends your current human experience and if you believe the one after? Think of yourself as an energy force. An energetic being constantly being fueled and nourished by what you do. Your intuition is not there to prevent you from living your best life or miss out of that thing you think at the time looks so great. It’s there to steer you in the right direction, where you are meant to be.

How many times have you gone against your intuition and then lived in the misery of the inevitable consequence? The truth about your intuition is that it doesn’t paint a clear picture. Rather it vibrates clear feelings. You felt something just isn’t right, although you don’t understand what it is, you felt it. We reason with our intuitive messages, we fight and struggle. Many of us choose reason because things have to make sense right? I am sure looking back and knowing what you know now; those damn life lessons. You realize that this chaos you have walked right into didn’t need to be known. Now that you are trying to unravel yourself from the actions and decisions that brought you here, where you are right now or once was. Knowing the why something doesn’t feel right and proving the internal nudge that tells you this is a path you shouldn’t travel wrong. Now you know, that this feeling is more than enough to either slow down, make a better decision or take a different course.

You are fortunate if you recognize the beauty of your intuition early in life. You are wise beyond lifetimes if you know the difference between fleeting moments of happiness and complete contentment. Complete contentment is your intuitions powerhouse. A place where you feel at ease, oneness with self and this human experience. Desire and any given feelings at any moment in your life don’t need convincing since it either IS or it ISN’t. You feel aligned with how things really are. This is how your intuition works. Judgements aren’t made based on what you think is good for you, it’s about what’s truly best for you.

How do you connect with your intuition? You will have to come back and find out! I will feature a few ways to do this here.

Hanifa Anne Sekandi

Founder & Editor-in-Chief. Mindfulness Advocate and Facilitator. Member of the Mindful Society Global Institute. I have an Honours Bachelor of Arts in Sociology (Social Behaviour, Media, and Culture); Psychology of Buddhism, Mental Health and Illness Minor - (Eastern Practices for Depression, Anxiety, and Addiction and Religion (Society, Religion, and Politics). I help brands achieve their growth potential through an intuitive business development approach. Follow Me on Instagram @thethingsiwishiknew On Facebook @thethingsiwishiknew

June 10, 2019
June 24, 2019