What COVID-19 Has Taught Us

If you haven’t taken the time to self-reflect during social-distancing you are missing a golden opportunity. Not just about your life in general but about what COVID-19 has taught us as a global community. The one thing I hope everyone has learned is that we are a global community. Despite our differences, or what we perceive to be different, COVID-19 has demonstrated that it’s not just about “them” it’s about all of us. In addition, no matter where it started placing blame at this point isn’t going to help anyone. It’s happening and we all better come together and help each other.

Family First

Not all the success or money can ever take the place of your family. For some of you, your friends are your family. When faced with a crisis you begin to realize that the things you placed so much value on don’t matter anymore. You also realize how blessed you are with the family and friends that are in your life. You think of all the times you wasted energy on those who didn’t value you and appreciate you. You also realize that you need more time and since time is a valuable currency you want to spend it with them. Why haven’t you spent more time with them? Now that we are all social distancing, like me, some of you have family members that live on the other side of the world or parents who are older, so you have to stay away from them to keep them safe, healthy.

I bet you never thought when you weren’t making time for them that there would be a time when restrictions would be placed on when you could see them. I hope you value the freedom that you were given prior and take note if you didn’t use it wisely. I hope you think of the times when you gave your family or a friend the cold shoulder as punishment because they didn’t see eye to eye with you. If you didn’t know before, I hope you know now that we must always hold love and forgiveness in our hearts. No grudge is worth holding and although you don’t always see things the same way we can come together out of love and compassion.


A million rolls of toilet paper later and some of you still need to be reminded that toilet paper won’t keep you safe. You’ve also forgotten your sense of humanity as you strip the shelves of food you won’t eat that could have been eaten by the people you didn’t think about. I don’t think anyone ever thought we would see the day when our neighbours would act like players in the Hunger Games. The only issue is, this isn’t fiction and this isn’t a game. It’s real life and it’s not just about you. This is about everyone and we must come together. The idea that it won’t happen to you needs to be eliminated. If it’s not you, it’s your friend, your neighbour, someone you love; it’s happening to all of us.

We got here because we only think about ourselves. We only think about what impacts us directly. I am not surprised since it’s the same view most of us have about the environment although we can see in plain view how our behaviour is impacting our plant. Part of self-care is recognizing your impact on those around you, the toxic energy you emanate when you enter a room. The world is our house and we must be aware that what we do as individuals affects every living being, every organism. You need to realize human beings are not solely independent members of the ecosystem who can do as they wish without any ramifications. We are apart of an intertwined cosmic existence that is interconnected to everything on this planet and beyond.

It Can Happen To Anyone

Maybe you are feeling well right now and if you do consider yourself lucky. I am sure those who have had the misfortune of being inflicted by COVID-19, those who thought it could never happen to them, wish they acted differently, wish they took it more seriously. It’s not just like the common cold or the flu. People are suffering, people are dying and yes, this could be you too.

Where Is Your Gratitude

Did you wake up this morning and give thanks for another day? Did you go to sleep last night thankful for the people in your life or that you’ve come this far; you’re still here? Practicing gratitude is necessary and you must do this daily in good times and bad times. There is ALWAYS something to be grateful for. Remember the little things add up to big things. I have shared with you how I start my mornings and begin my evenings. Days don’t end they are continuous even while you sleep. Time is continuous. When the sun rises and sets this doesn’t signify an end but a shift in energy, the day or the night. As you rest your head on your pillow each night, fall asleep with thoughts of what you are grateful for. Rise each morning with the same energy.

In times like this, anxiety can be unbearable. The “what-if” question and all the possible outcomes you’ve dreamed up in your imagination can shake you to the core. You cannot understand what you cannot see and you cannot see what has yet to unfold. What you can do is be in this moment with love in your heart for yourself and others.

Social distancing also reminds you about safeguarding your mental health. Be mindful of what you consume via the news and social media and who you talk to. Keeping a positive mindset and doing activities that inspire you will help you get through this time. I know you have a lot on your mind, to be honest right now at this moment the only thing you can do is be still, patient, gentle and kind to yourself and others.

What the world needs now is more love and compassion.

Hanifa Anne Sekandi

Founder & Editor-in-Chief. Mindfulness Advocate and Facilitator. Member of the Mindful Society Global Institute. I have an Honours Bachelor of Arts in Sociology (Social Behaviour, Media, and Culture); Psychology of Buddhism, Mental Health and Illness Minor - (Eastern Practices for Depression, Anxiety, and Addiction and Religion (Society, Religion, and Politics). I help brands achieve their growth potential through an intuitive business development approach. Follow Me on Instagram @thethingsiwishiknew On Facebook @thethingsiwishiknew