Are you emotionally bloated? No, I am not talking about that sandwich you ate last night or the one too many slices of pizza you are about to eat. Foods that will definitely make you feel bloated. When we think about our health, particularly our mental health we don’t think about the connection to our gut health and how we are feeling. And how this emotional constipation can affect us not just physically but also mentally. You might be thinking how the hell does this relate to each other, feeling physically constipated and emotionally constipated?

When we were in our mother’s wombs we were connected to her via the umbilical cord. As you know the belly button the center of your stomach is where your umbilical cord once was which was connected to your mother who fed you nutrients through it. We understand that the food we eat which is digested in our gut flows throughout our body and provides these nutrients. When we are anxious, when we are sad, when we are happy, the first place we often feel this is in our gut and this sends signals to our entire being; body.

When we are thinking too much or have feelings of anger, when we are stuck in our mind this sends a signal to our gut (stomach) and this, in turn, will translate itself into something physiological. Sometimes the feelings that we have within our gut, constipation, is not just simply a buildup of the food we ate or an intolerance, it’s a buildup of our emotions. So if you are feeling emotionally stuck, emotionally bloated, or literally you are bloated. It’s time for you to start to evaluate the source from which these emotions come from.

Moreover, the place where the obstruction is occurring. How can you create flow within this space in order to let go and allow this to take over throughout your entire body and eventually your life? The internal struggle within emanates an external struggle experienced. To have a healthy mind, we cannot separate one from the other. Just like a stomach bug making you call in sick for work. What is this continuous feeling of feeling emotionally bloated doing to your life? How is it making you feel? Does it at times make you feel like your whole life has been sidelined? Do you feel stuck?

The emotional blockage that we experience within our gut and within our being is a flashing stop or yield sign. A signal that is directing you to look at your life. Even when we think things are about to look up; experience a bit of ease. Our body mirrors what our soul is feeling. Sometimes the soul needs to send signals to the body which can, in turn, send signals back to the soul for you to hear the message that is being given to you.

Given that we are a complex system, a complex being orbiting the universe. Sometimes the lines of communication get lost. So ask yourself what do you need to do to relieve yourself of emotional constipation and bloating that it’s happening in your life? What is preventing you from making good decisions, cultivating good relationships, or living in the present moment and moving forward? For some of you, start with what you consume. If don’t know, there is a link between how our body responds to the food we eat and how we feel. This also includes the information that you take in and the people you surround yourself with. We are simply sponges and everything and anything can change how we feel if we are not mindful.

We mustn’t forget that we are energetic beings and just like we absorb nutrients from food. We absorb energy and nutrients from the people around us and our environment. This can either make you feel well and thrive or this can make you ill. What is making you ill?

What is within you, will be revealed in your appearance. It will be displayed in how you speak to people and this will also impact your overall feelings about yourself. Eventually, the bullshitter can’t even fool themselves. Eventually what is hidden within you will reveal itself on the surface. Because the body must expel what it takes in. The body is designed to consume and exhume once it has taken what is needed. If everything is consumed is toxic this will show on your outward appearance, and this will also show itself in your gut, you will either be bloated or constipated or perhaps suffer from severe diarrhea that makes you feel and look ill.

I understand it can be hard for us to gauge the cause of our suffering because we have been taught to live deeply within our rational minds. After all, this is constructive. We are often told to move away from our spiritual being because this is unexplainable and individualistic concerning experience and interpretation. But the connection between the two is essential and when there is a disconnect between the two there becomes a disconnect between the flow within us and this leads to a challenge between a being that should be the whole that now operates as two in conflict.

This is how emotional constipation and bloating manifests. This is what leads to an internal schism within and hence the misery, anxiety, and depression. So as you are on this journey to live your best life. You must expel from your system your, mind and your being what doesn’t serve you. This includes the anger, the hate, the resentment, the longing, the feelings of abandonment, and anything that is preventing you from flowing and connecting to your entire body and the being within you.

They say that angry people often suffer from digestive issues or people who are anxious or depressed. Why do you think this is so from a basic level of understanding? In my opinion, it is because everything we are from the moment we connect with our mothers in the womb starts within our core within our gut, and here is where the center of the universe exists. A space that doesn’t seem so glamorous and beautiful but once it is cleansed and nourished it is an oasis. That will spread joy and love throughout our entire being, our beautiful bodies and this will begin to flow everywhere we go.

Hanifa Anne Sekandi

Founder & Editor-in-Chief. Mindfulness Advocate and Facilitator. Member of the Mindful Society Global Institute. I have an Honours Bachelor of Arts in Sociology (Social Behaviour, Media, and Culture); Psychology of Buddhism, Mental Health and Illness Minor - (Eastern Practices for Depression, Anxiety, and Addiction and Religion (Society, Religion, and Politics). I help brands achieve their growth potential through an intuitive business development approach. Follow Me on Instagram @thethingsiwishiknew On Facebook @thethingsiwishiknew

May 9, 2021