That One Thing That Can Change Your Life

One of the things you get used to when you work for yourself is a lot of No’s. You realize very early on that people have a hard time trying or embracing something new. For some reason, most people and far and few are willing to embrace something when it’s new. MOST people are waiting for everybody else. Who the fuck is everybody else? Many of us miss out on opportunities because we don’t see beyond what’s in front of us. We don’t see the big picture and how all the small little things happening daily are there to help us along the way. It’s sad to see that you or I miss that one thing that can change your life. Imagine, all you had to do was show up and try!

Did you know that Tracy Champman was discovered by Brian Koppelman a university student at Tufts? She was playing at a coffeehouse called Cappuccino. I don’t know Tracy and I am not sure why she chose to sing that night or any other night at that particular coffeehouse. But she did it. Who knows how full it was or if she played for weeks or months until someone noticed her. Maybe being noticed wasn’t her intention but there she was doing that one thing that changed her life. It’s that one thing that might seem small or insignificant that can transform your life. All you have to do is show up, be present and give it your best.


Make a Wish…Dreams Come True When You See It 

Stop waiting for that pretty packaged opportunity to show up. It doesn’t really exist, to be honest. Just like a struggling musician who has to play and sing in random places and at times work with people they don’t like, this is life. Nothing is ideal in the beginning but perhaps those situations are there to test you? Perhaps what’s not ideal leads you to where you want to be. I finally understand what expect the unexpected means. A chance meeting at a bar can be that one encounter that led to you landing your dream job. But if you are glued to your phone, rather than living in real-time socializing in the real world, you’ve probably missed this opportunity several times.

When I was younger I used to hear stories about people who experienced that one thing that changed their lives. Whether it be a chance encounter, showing up to volunteer somewhere, working that shit job, or trying something new. Their openness allowed them to experience an unexpected moment in time that we all wish for. I believing in having faith and I definitely believe in wishes. You need to know that wishes don’t work for you if you don’t recognize them. You can’t snap your fingers and magically live that dream life in that dream house, with the car and the person of your dreams by staying still. You have to get up and move. You have to recognize that magic that takes place each day.

There are a few missed opportunities that I missed, that I know would have changed my life in a good way. Sometimes we don’t make decisions for ourselves but for other people. When I think about those moments in time, I say the things I wish I knew back then…well I know now. Yes, you can have regrets for missed opportunities that you decided not to take for someone else. But, all you can do now is make a decision in your present moment and move forward. You can’t blame someone else for missing that one thing that would have changed your life. Sometimes seizing opportunities means that you have to do what’s best for you.


What’s in it for you?

You have to take a leap of faith. You have to live in a space where saying “yes” is your first option. It’s not good to always think about what you are getting out of it. Maybe nothing right away! A lot of people are quick to say “no” and give all the reason why they won’t do something rather than just try it. Keep in mind everyone remembers the people who supported them when they started when it was just an idea, and when they had nothing. Understanding that returns (return on your investment, time, love, effort), happen later and good people never forget who helped them. If you’ve ever wondered why people aren’t helping you or giving you an opportunity, take a look in the mirror and ask yourself how willing are you to extend yourself to others just because?

Stop being so critical. Don’t you love the critic on the sidelines doing nothing? Be the optimist in the race who’s running and doing something. No matter what anyone says, opinions are never worth more than gold, they’re just opinions, keep on trying and keep on working. Try, try and if this fails, try again. Practice, practice, you will never stop practicing your craft whatever that is. Strive, to be the best you can be. Rise, rise to the occasion to be your best. Don’t regret, just be present and give it your all when the opportunity arises. Never, make decisions that are based on of assumptions and insecurities; you won’t know unless you try. Check your ego and trust your gut.


Try something different

You are either going to stay where you are or more move to the next level, either way, make a decision that involves movement. Get uncomfortable, seize the moment. Stop watching and liking, start engaging. Envy is holding you back. I know you have asked, why them and not me? The difference between you and them is that they are willing to try new things. They’re willing to show up and be there for someone else and not make it about themselves. They are also willing to put themselves out there regardless of how many no’s they hear. When you show that you are genuine, people will want to help you in some way. If you show genuine interests in other people they will do the same when it comes to you. It’s the little things that matter, the collective of small little things becomes one big fantastic outcome.


Hanifa Anne Sekandi

Founder & Editor-in-Chief. Mindfulness Advocate and Facilitator. Member of the Mindful Society Global Institute. I have an Honours Bachelor of Arts in Sociology (Social Behaviour, Media, and Culture); Psychology of Buddhism, Mental Health and Illness Minor - (Eastern Practices for Depression, Anxiety, and Addiction and Religion (Society, Religion, and Politics). I help brands achieve their growth potential through an intuitive business development approach. Follow Me on Instagram @thethingsiwishiknew On Facebook @thethingsiwishiknew

November 14, 2018