If you are an entrepreneur you know how difficult things can get if you don’t know how to do something. You also know how expensive it is to outsource every task you don’t know how to do. Let’s be honest it’s not cost-effective and leaves you dependent on someone else. Trust me, I am all about adding more people to the team, it takes a team to build the dream. I have learned, from my experience, that it’s very important to learn the skills needed for the job, even if you, later on, decided to outsource. It’s important to know what the job entails and how long it takes. Like myself and most entrepreneurs, you are pressed for time, I completely relate to you. So where do you learn new skills that don’t require you to sit in a classroom? Thankfully you can learn a new skill from anywhere with Skillshare! It’s my new mobile classroom where I I can learn a new skill from experts in their field.

What I love about Skillshare is that you can learn at your pace. In addition, it’s great to learn from your peers or someone whose work you admire. When people ask me how did you learn how to put your website together or your photography is really improving or how did you improve your SEO or wow where did you learn so much about online media tools? I direct them to Skillshare. When I started this site I hired a web developer. I quickly learned the importance of knowing what’s up when it comes to your own business. I was told one thing and upon doing my own research realized I was being taken advantage of.

The biggest mistake any entrepreneur can make is to leave their business in the hands of someone else and simply walk away. Don’t just sign the check, know what’s going on and ask questions. It will help you discern how much time the job should cost and the time needed to complete it. Further, you should never allow someone else to take control of your business nor should you jump through hoops for them. Remember, you hired them, so be a boss.

What’s Is Skillshare all about?

  • Skillshare is an online classroom platform where you can learn new skills at your own pace.
  • It affordable and gives you the flexibility to choose what you want to learn, therefore you can tap into more than one creative interest.
  • You have access to over 18,000 classes!!
  • Types of courses available: Creative (Fine Art, Photography, Graphic Design, Illustration, Writing, Music Production, Animation, UI/UX Design & Film Production); Business (Marketing, Accounting, Freelance, Entrepreneurship, Finance, Management, Analytics, Sales, Leadership & Human Resources); Technology (Web/Mobile Development, IT, Game Design & Data Science) and Lifestyle (Crafts, Culinary, Health/Wellness, Languages & Home Business).
  • You can try it for the first month for FREE!! (pretty much what got me on it in the first place!!).
  • Affordable: Skillshare has great membership deals. After your first month (remember it’s free), for only $10 a month ($11 CAD) you can learn as much as you want whenever you want to.

What I am currently learning on Skillshare:

  1. How to use WordPress

Learn New Skills With Skillshare WordPress

An Online Skillshare Class by Chris Dixon

I get asked all the time how to use WordPress. To be honest I taught myself and I am still learning. There is always something new that pops up on WordPress that you have no idea how to do. So I have started taking this course. It was also great to get a refresh on what I already knew how to do. SIGN UP FOR THIS CLASS!!

    1. Fundamentals of DSLR Photography

Learn New Skills With Skillshare DSLR

An Online Skillshare Class by Skillshare Photography Fundamentals

Who knew that taking a great image isn’t as easy as it looks? I didn’t and like many people where imaging is a huge component of your business. I had to learn how to take better than average images. Sometimes your phone camera just doesn’t cut it. A lot of the images you see on Instagram are taken with a good Camera. The next courses I plan on taking are Photoshop and Lightroom. SIGN UP FOR THIS CLASS!! 

I will be featuring all the great courses I take so you can see what I am learning at the moment. You have no idea how happy I am that this learning platform is available! I feel like it empowers the busy entrepreneur to keep on going and learn new skills from wherever they are. Keep in mind, this platform is meant for those who want to learn how to do’s in certain fields. For example, if you are a WordPress novice, you can learn how to navigate WordPress on Skillshare. You can also learn photography and how to use a DSLR.

They have various courses in different fields, it also includes music production and programs. I know what’s like staring at the computer screen feeling stuck and spending hours on Google or Youtube. All great resources, but not as streamlined and comprehensive as Skillshare. Search for what you want to learn on Skillshare and you are given a ton of course options to pick from.

FYI for those you who love to do crafts, DIY, floral design, cake decorating or art. You get three months FREE when you sign up to take courses that fall into the above categories.





Hanifa Anne Sekandi

Founder & Editor-in-Chief. Mindfulness Advocate and Facilitator. Member of the Mindful Society Global Institute. I have an Honours Bachelor of Arts in Sociology (Social Behaviour, Media, and Culture); Psychology of Buddhism, Mental Health and Illness Minor - (Eastern Practices for Depression, Anxiety, and Addiction and Religion (Society, Religion, and Politics). I help brands achieve their growth potential through an intuitive business development approach. Follow Me on Instagram @thethingsiwishiknew On Facebook @thethingsiwishiknew