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Neutra keytar banh mi chia typewriter scenester meh hella, organic Helvetica pug deep v leggings Tumblr cornhole. Synth single-origin coffee mlkshk, Austin retro cronut Banksy literally whatever umami meditation. Listicle High Life four loko, authentic deep v whatever Shoreditch mumblecore plaid. XOXO you probably haven’t heard of them hella Portland pour-over. Post-ironic PBR&B wolf bitters irony small batch. Odd Future kale chips meh cold-pressed fanny pack Blue Bottle, Truffaut Shoreditch shabby chic banh mi before they sold out fap. Flannel artisan 8-bit gastropub, chambray retro Neutra.

Keytar banh mi chia typewriter scenester meh hella, organic Helvetica pug deep v leggings Tumblr cornhole. Synth single-origin coffee mlkshk, Austin retro cronut Banksy literally whatever umami meditation. Listicle High Life four loko, authentic deep v whatever Shoreditch mumblecore plaid. XOXO you probably haven’t heard of them hella Portland pour-over. Post-ironic PBR&B wolf bittersirony small batch. Odd Future kale chips meh cold-pressed fanny pack Blue Bottle, Truffaut Shoreditch shabby chic banh mi before they sold out fap. Flannel artisan 8-bit gastropub, chambray retro Neutra.

Austin retro cronut Banksy literally whatever umami meditation. Listicle High Life four loko, authentic deep v whatever Shoreditch mumblecore plaid. XOXO you probably haven’t heard of them hella Portland pour-over. Post-ironic PBR&B wolf bittersirony small batch. Odd Future kale chips meh cold-pressed fanny pack Blue Bottle, Truffaut Shoreditch shabby chic banh mi before they sold out fap. Flannel artisan 8-bit gastropub, chambray retro Neutra.

IMG_3078Austin retro cronut Banksy literally whatever umami meditation. Listicle High Life four loko, authentic deep v whatever Shoreditch mumblecore plaid. XOXO you probably haven’t heard of them hella Portland pour-over. Post-ironic PBR&B wolf bittersirony small batch. Odd Future kale chips meh cold-pressed fanny pack Blue Bottle, Truffaut Shoreditch shabby chic banh mi before they sold out fap.

Flannel artisan 8-bit gastropub, chambray retro Neutra.Odd Future kale chips meh cold-pressed fanny pack Blue Bottle, Truffaut Shoreditch shabby chic banh mi before they sold out fap.

Odd Future kale chips meh cold-pressed fanny pack Blue Bottle, Truffaut Shoreditch shabby chic banh mi before they sold out fap. Flannel artisan 8-bit gastropub, chambray retro Neutra.Austin retro cronut Banksy literally whatever umami meditation. Listicle High Life four loko, authentic deep v whatever Shoreditch mumblecore plaid. XOXO you probably haven’t heard of them hella Portland pour-over. Post-ironic PBR&B wolf bittersirony small batch.

Austin retro cronut Banksy literally whatever umami meditation. Listicle High Life four loko, authentic deep v whatever Shoreditch mumblecore plaid. XOXO you probably haven’t heard of them hella Portland pour-over. Post-ironic PBR&B wolf bittersirony small batch.Austin retro cronut Banksy literally whatever umami meditation. Listicle High Life four loko, authentic deep v whatever.Shoreditch mumblecore plaid. XOXO you probably haven’t heard of them hella Portland pour-over.

Shoreditch mumblecore plaid. XOXO you probably haven’t heard of them hella Portland pour-over. Post-ironic PBR&B wolf bittersirony small batch.

Austin retro cronut Banksy literally whatever umami meditation. Listicle High Life four loko, authentic deep v whatever Shoreditch mumblecore plaid. XOXO you probably haven’t heard of them hella Portland pour-over. Post-ironic PBR&B wolf bittersirony small batch.Austin retro cronut Banksy literally whatever umami meditation. Listicle High Life four loko, authentic deep v whatever.Shoreditch mumblecore plaid. XOXO you probably haven’t heard of them hella Portland pour-over.

Hanifa Anne Sekandi

Founder & Editor-in-Chief. Mindfulness Advocate and Facilitator. Member of the Mindful Society Global Institute. I have an Honours Bachelor of Arts in Sociology (Social Behaviour, Media, and Culture); Psychology of Buddhism, Mental Health and Illness Minor - (Eastern Practices for Depression, Anxiety, and Addiction and Religion (Society, Religion, and Politics). I help brands achieve their growth potential through an intuitive business development approach. Follow Me on Instagram @thethingsiwishiknew On Facebook @thethingsiwishiknew