Can Love & Passion Coexist?

This is something I have been thinking about for the last few weeks. I have been thinking about love and passion in regard to the pursuit of dreams and I also think about passion in love; in relationships. They say in order to sustain something, to go the distance one must be passionate and they must love what they do. When the love dies, so does the passion, in the pursuit of dreams the two go hand in hand. What about in relationships? Can love & passion coexist? Can you live without one and still experience a fulfilling relationship? What matters more to you?

As I think about it, it’s not a matter of whether or not love and passion can coexist, it’s that they must. Yes, it’s easy to settle and relationships have their ebbs and flows but the reality is our desires never disappear. Whether it be for the affections of our current lover or for another. When passion no longer exists we leave love to hang in the balance of what is, what could be and what once was. Just like our pursuit in dreams passion drives the purpose and love nurtures it.

I think this is why people, as relationships come to an end, say “love wasn’t enough”. Perhaps what is missing along with that feeling of love is a deep-rooted desire within that must be expressed passionately, freely and without conditions. We put conditions on our love and in turn restrain passion, the driver and the moving force of our desires. When our desires are suppressed it stirs up feelings of insecurity and undesirability.

The Grande Symphony

When people think of desire or passion it leads them to only think of the erotic which is part of one’s desires but they also fail to see the importance of romance, seduction and deep connection. We are the directors of our love story. If we desire passion along with love we need to cultivate this in our relationships. Each person must bring to the surface that passion they feel within. It’s the same concept one could say when you see an orchestra playing a grande symphony. Every note, every chord must be met with the same passion. A collective passionately coming together to move their audience.

Every great musician knows that it takes one member in the orchestra to change the energetic vibration. The same can be said in love, in relationships. Just like love, the nurturer, there are no breaks in passion. Just like love, there are no days off where passion is concerned. One fractured chord leads to the breaking of more. Sometimes it’s too broken to repair. Sometimes one must start again, to repair what is broken. Most people, when relationships begin to fall apart think that it just somehow happened. They don’t think about those little moments in between where passion was dismissed or placed on a shelf. They now live in a house that has passion stored on every shelf long forgotten.

Can Passion and Love Coexist?

So is it possible for love and passion to coexist? If you so desire. It’s a conscious decision that is met with action. You must be passionate, this is an act, it’s as strong a feeling as it is a behaviour. We understand this when it comes to love, how we express our love to our lover. So we must also learn to understand this when it comes to passion. Both love and passion can be expressed in many ways. Just like the pursuit of dreams where you are a continuous student. This holds true where matters of love and passion are concerned.

As you dive deeper into your love for self, love for your lover and allow passion to exist freely you must learn how to communicate this in order to build and strengthen your relationships. You must champion your desire for passion and your need for love. The passion doesn’t have to die if you don’t want it to. The initial spark won’t continue to grow if you don’t feed the flames, allow them to transform and continually come anew. In other words, as passion deepens its changes, so it’s important to allow it to freely occur and not remain stuck on what once was or what one believes it should look like. Passion in its rawest form, as it transforms and grows is boundless.

Are You Willing To Put In The Work?

The biggest issue is that both individuals in the relationship must have the same desire to keep passion and love alive, happily coexisting. This is where chemistry meets compatibility. Both chemistry and compatibility are required to sustain a relationship. When this is in alignment, the communication of desires and expressions of love and passion can exist freely. Just chemistry is not enough because it lacks understanding. Just compatibility isn’t enough because it lacks passion.

As you navigate through relationships, as you learn through your experiences. Take note of yourself in relation to your lover. The ways in which you express love and passion in your relationships. In addition, the areas that you feel are lacking and would like to further explore. Also, where you fall short and why. It’s important to understand what moves you and how to work with your desires and your partner’s desires to build a bridge where love and passion can exist freely.

Your argument might be that you don’t have time, you’re exhausted. It’s too much work. If it’s too much work for you, then why do you expect someone else to ignite the flames of passion and desire for you?

Hanifa Anne Sekandi

Founder & Editor-in-Chief. Mindfulness Advocate and Facilitator. Member of the Mindful Society Global Institute. I have an Honours Bachelor of Arts in Sociology (Social Behaviour, Media, and Culture); Psychology of Buddhism, Mental Health and Illness Minor - (Eastern Practices for Depression, Anxiety, and Addiction and Religion (Society, Religion, and Politics). I help brands achieve their growth potential through an intuitive business development approach. Follow Me on Instagram @thethingsiwishiknew On Facebook @thethingsiwishiknew

May 27, 2020


1 Comment

  1. Chard Kim

    June 13, 2020

    Love and Passion, two different things which are most needed for everyone’s life. A simple relationship could endeavor you to the way of love or passion. After reading this article, i am definitely sure they both do exist based on the relationship which you carry and live. This was so inspiring article for me, Thank you to the author.

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